Author Archive: Steph
Dyslexia – Information in 18 languages
The American Dyslexia Association promotes the interests of people with dyslexia and dyscalculia. It is important to inform people about these themes. Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller, president of ADA, always stresses how important it is to help children with dyslexia and dyscalculia on a pedagogical-didactic level. Because it needs to be said time and again: THESE […]
New freebie: I spy … superheroes!
Here is another “I spy…” freebie. Children simply love them. This time it is about “I spy … superheroes”. Print them out, color, count and simply enjoy all the fun. At the same time, children train attention, visual perception and fine motor skills. Grab this freebie here: I spy … superheroes More freebies
American Wordspeller™ & Phonetic Dictionary
Dyslexics are often recommended to use a dictionary for writing. However, this does not help them much since they often do not know how the words are written. So for example, a dyslexic child may want to write “queen” but thinks it is written “kween”. Searching under “k” won’t bring any results and more likely […]
Recommended Reading Comprehension Tools
Reading comprehension is a very important skill for young learners. There are many tools that help to teach the young ones reading: books, activities, worksheets, etc. There are also a lot of websites and apps that can help. Angela Davis has collected a set of websites and apps to support comprehension instruction.
New freebie: I spy … spring
Spring is in the air, so we thought it was about time for a new freebie. Give your children some coloring pencils and let them color and search. Then they count how many they found of each object. Use this opportunity to talk about “more than…”, “less than…”, etc. This exercise trains attention, visual and […]
Dyslexia and Learning
Some time ago we shared Lenka’s story on “A DYSLEXIA STORY – Early signs of dyslexia“. Her story continues and it shows never to give up and to focus on the strenghts and talents of dyslexic children. Read the story on Lenka’s blog Picture: © Lenka Vodicka –
7 tips to help struggling readers
Reading is the foundation to learning. Because so much is rooted within literacy, starting early to support language learning can make a substantial difference in students’ reading success. Similarly, the earlier we intervene with students who are struggling readers, the more likely they’ll be able to catch up. For parents, helping a struggling reader can […]
Symbol sudokus for children
Sudokus are everywhere: in about every shop to buy and on the internet as free printables or to play online . So why another post about sudokus? Because it is not easy to find good sudokus for children and it is even less easy to find sudokus with symbols., however, offers a free symbol […]
Animals and objects
A cold rainy day? Still 10 minutes to fill? Children with special educational needs? You simply cannot have enough worksheets. That’s why we offer you a file (24 pages) with animals and objects: searching, tracing, drawing, colouring, memory – all for free, of course! The exercices train attention, visual and spatial perception. DOWNLOAD We hope […]
Open your ears!
The American Dyslexia Association offers a different educational approach to help people with dyslexia and dyscalculia. This approach is called the AFS-Method, which is a multi-sensory method to help people who have difficulties with reading, writing and / or calculating. The “F” stands for “Function” which means the different sensory perceptions you need to learn […]