RSSCategory: Books

The Busy English Teacher’s Fun Activities & Exercises for Pre-Teens: Grammar Mind Maps, Fitness Games & More

01/19/2015 | By More
The Busy English Teacher’s Fun Activities & Exercises for Pre-Teens: Grammar Mind Maps, Fitness Games & More

Until now most grammar books have offered perfect—but oftentimes negative— examples to illustrate the parts of speech, grammatical constructions, and also the mechanics of capitalization and punctuation or “word-traffic controls” as Davis-Kyle calls them. Educators, parents, and grandparents will find the supplemental text The Busy English Teacher’s Fun Activities & Exercises for Pre-Teens brimming with […]

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If the Walls Could Speak By Deirdre M. Silvestri

12/13/2014 | By More
If the Walls Could Speak By Deirdre M. Silvestri

It’s a beautiful, clear spring day, and soon the cherry blossoms will fall from the trees and blanket the ground like snow. This season promises to be extraordinary, but it won’t be the same without Da, who passed away at Christmastime. Finn O’Brine stares out the window, taking it all in. He can’t believe his […]

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Inspirational Book ‘Dyslexia: TIME FOR TALENT’ Wins Honourable Mention Award

09/13/2014 | By More
Inspirational Book ‘Dyslexia: TIME FOR TALENT’ Wins Honourable Mention Award

An inspirational book about empowering children and adults to deal with dyslexia has been hailed with numerous accolades since its launch earlier this year – and it’s now been awarded an Honourable Mention in the Readers’ Favourite International Book Awards 2014. Dyslexia: Time For Talent (The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Children) received glowing reviews […]

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More Than What You See By Silvaan Ruth Raven

07/01/2014 | By More
More Than What You See By Silvaan Ruth Raven

A book of poems written by Silvaan Ruth Raven about her struggles with dyslexia and what it is like to grow up with Dyslexia. “Despite my dyslexia, I wrote on and off again when I was younger But it wasn’t until I was 15 that I decided to write a book–a novel. I struggled to […]

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Fun-Inspired Learning Games from Teachers’ Treasures

08/13/2013 | By More
Fun-Inspired Learning Games from Teachers’ Treasures

Tyron Edwards said, “To waken interest and kindle enthusiasm is the sure way to teach easily and successfully.” Educators around the world have found that incorporating fun learning games into their lesson plans not only wake interest when a class of new students meet for the first time but also for a group already familiar with […]

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Apple iBook: Dyslexia – Dyscalculia !?

01/13/2013 | By More
Apple iBook: Dyslexia – Dyscalculia !?

An interactive iBook for the iPad shows solutions for persons with dyslexia and dyscalculia. It is on sale for only $1.99 . In this inspiring publication Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Livia R. Pailer-Duller show again that they are experts on the subject of dyslexia and dyscalculia. With incredible insight they show the necessity of helping […]

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There is hope for dyslexic and dyscalculic people!

04/11/2012 | By More
There is hope for dyslexic and dyscalculic people!

An interactive apple ibook for the ipad shows solutions for dyslexic persons. It is on sale for only $1.99. In this inspiring publication Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Livia R. Pailer-Duller, perpetuate their title as the authority on the subject as they delineate the necessity of intervention with incredible insight at the educational-didactic level. Which, is […]

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