Daryn’s Journey

Daryn giving a presentation on dyslexia
I’m a proud grandmother of a 5th grader named Daryn. She attends Nichols elementary school in San Antonio, Texas. Daryn is an outstanding athelete, excelling in softball, Basketball, swimming and track. She is graduating this year to middle school. Daryn was frustrated, anxious and angry in Kindergarten. This was not our sweet, funny, playful little girl anymore. She could not grasp letters and numbers. We knew she was bright and very intelligent, however, her moms and I were at a loss. Needless to say, Daryn had to repeat kindergarten and still could not seem to read or recognize simple words. She was allowed to be “placed” in 1st grade. Praise God!! Her first grade teacher arranged for her to be tested for dyslexia before the first six weeks were up. She knew. Many tests, and tears later, Daryn was declared “profoundly dyslexic.” She began to slowly work out her disability. Every morning before her classmates were let in their classroom, she would work on a “Lexia” computer program designed to help her. It took a few years but she completed this course. She was finally reading at grade level and for the first time she was promoted to 3rd grade and not placed. She had an amazing reading specialist that worked with her and others for 5 years at Nichols elementary. Daryn found colored overlays to put on books and used tinted glasses to help her with the letters. She will graduate to 6th grade this year, having overcome so much. In Texas, our STARR testing is mandatory. Daryn received a “Master” distinction in reading. She is a straight A student, having never made a B on her report card. She was elected class Vice President in 4th grade. She is an athlete and a scholar. 5th grade is almost over and she will graduate with honors. Dyslexic children can be successful with the right teacher. For three or four years her teachers were not to call on her to read aloud in class due to her anxiety about reading aloud. Her wishes were respected. Daryn’s moms have been with her each step of her journey to out smart dyslexia. She has just finished an oral presentation in a meeting for dyslexic children and their parents. This young lady is a warrior. I write this in an effort to let other parents and children know that with work and determination, dyslexia can be tamed. Daryn now spends her spare time reading Stephen King novels.
Daryn’s Grandmother