Dyslexia – Information in 18 languages
The American Dyslexia Association promotes the interests of people with dyslexia and dyscalculia. It is important to inform people about these themes. Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller, president of ADA, always stresses how important it is to help children with dyslexia and dyscalculia on a pedagogical-didactic level. Because it needs to be said time and again: THESE CHILDREN ARE NOT ILL OR DISABLED, they simply need another method to learn how to read, write and calculate.
To reach as many people as possible, some basic information about dyslexia and dyscalculia is now available in 18 languages:
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Arabic
- Bulgarian
- Chinese
- German
- English
- French
- Croatian
- Persian
- Polish
- Russian
- Serbian
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Czech
- Turkish
- Hungarian
Do you know an adult, a child, a family who may be interested? Please, hand them this information. The more people are informed and the earlier children are helped, the better!
Category: Dyslexia