Tag: assistance
Show me the way – A Guide for Adults with Dyslexia

How to help adults with writing, reading or calculating problems. This new brochure from the American Dyslexia Association shows the way for adult dyslexics. Essay by Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller Open publication
Dyscalculia and Brain Activity-The Connection, by Shradha Kalyani Kabra

The fear of Mathematics and numbers is called Dyscalculia which is a learning disability also termed as number blindness. Extensive studies have recorded that nearly 7% of the population with average intelligence have the problem. The innate number sense of the human brain is not in sync in dyscalculics as numerical ability relies on special […]
50 Popular iPad Apps For Struggling Readers & Writers

Teachthought has collected 50 ipad apps that help struggling readers and writers. You will find helpful tools, fundamentals, apps for reading, writing and spelling. Check it out. While we’re at it, also have a look at 15 Of The Best Educational Apps For Improved Reading Comprehension.
“Ready, Set, Action!” Available soon at Amazon.com

An Entertainment Fun Book for Parents of Dyslexic Pre-teens David Carlson Linda Davis-Kyle, Editor Foreword by Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller, President of the Austrian Dyslexia Association “Ready, Set, Action! is destined to become not only a loyal friend to the parents of preteens challenged with dyslexia, but also it is hoped that it will be a […]
El método AFS Atención Funciones Síntomas

Una intervención pedagógica basada en una metodología didáctica. El método AFS Atención Funciones Síntomas Open publication
Equine Therapy at the Big Heart Ranch in Malibu

Equine Therapy is an experiential, evidence-based therapy involving horses. The client works with the horses and a certified horse specialist and therapist to help achieve the client’s goals. EAP is appropriate for individuals of all ages as well as groups, families and couples. Ideal for kids and families struggling with: Addiction ADHD AutismEating Disorders Family […]
Why bad grades happen to good kids?

Extensive research has shown that children learn best when they are engaged and having fun. That’s why every activity in these guides is designed for children to have fun while learning to read. Games, songs, and crafts among other things are all laid out for parents to do and learn. Find two free ebooks here: […]
Easy Reading Card

We recieved a lot of Emails about the Easy Reading Card. The best way to show you how it works is a short video. After years of research, the card was developed 12 years ago and is used by more than 20.000 students worldwide. Dyslexia Online Shop
Dyslexia – Dyscalulia !? Now available!

Available in english, spanish and german. For those enveloped in a world of chaos, confusion and misunderstanding, Dyslexia Dyscalculia ?! is the new “iconic” global position system for minds that aspire for a better understanding to guide those suffering from dyslexia. In this awe-inspiring publication, renowned authors, Dr. Astrid Kopp-Duller and Livia R. Pailer-Duller, perpetuate […]