Tag: function
Dyslexia and the Brain

Researchers are continually conducting studies to learn more about the causes of dyslexia, early identification of dyslexia, and the most effective treatments for dyslexia. Developmental dyslexia is associated with difficulty in processing the orthography (the written form) and phonology (the sound structure) of language. As a way to understand the origin of these problems, neuroimaging studies have examined brain […]
Dyscalculia and Brain Activity-The Connection, by Shradha Kalyani Kabra

The fear of Mathematics and numbers is called Dyscalculia which is a learning disability also termed as number blindness. Extensive studies have recorded that nearly 7% of the population with average intelligence have the problem. The innate number sense of the human brain is not in sync in dyscalculics as numerical ability relies on special […]