Tag: school
Advent Calendar 2019

Soon it is Christmas again. The scent of (homemade) cookies and pine boughs fills the houses. Children are getting excited and are wondering what Santa will bring. To shorten the waiting time, we created an advent calendar. Every day you can download a worksheet that trains visual and spatial perception: mazes, coloring, finding the difference. […]
Dinosaur perception training

Kids + dinosaurs = fun! Enjoy our new free no prep printables with dinosaurs. Kids will have fun and train visual and spatial perception, patterning and counting till 5. Visual and spatial perception: Patterning: Counting till 5: Download: Dinosaur perception training You want even more dinosaurs? Check out this free online game: Dinosaur – Find […]
Debunking the Myths about Dyslexia

There are many signs or clues to dyslexia which are discussed in depth on this website; however it is also important to be aware of the misconceptions and myths surrounding the disorder. There are several myths regarding dyslexia. We have highlighted some of the more common ones. Myth: Smart people cannot be dyslexic or have […]
Embracing dyslexia

Embracing Dyslexia is a thoughtful and moving exploration of dyslexia from an insider’s perspective, weaving together interviews with parents, adult dyslexics, researchers, educators and experts to provide an accurate portrayal of a learning difference that affects between 15-20% of the population. Parents share emotional stories of their frustration over failing to understand why their children […]
MonsterZ – Rows and tracing

Today’s freebie contains monsters waiting to be colored and traced. Look carefully and complete the rows using the correct colors. Trace the monsters in different colors. There are also monstercards to trace. Children can create a memory out of these cards – simply print them twice – or use them for other games. Have fun! […]
Look carefully! One shape is missing.

For today’s freebie you need to look carefully! One shape from the field on the right is missing in the field on the left. Can you find the missing shape? There are two levels of difficulty. Level one: The shapes have been mixed. Level two: The shapes have been mixed AND turned around and/or mirrored. […]
Dino – Perception Training

Dino – Perception Training – that is today’s freebie: Arrange dinos from small to big, find the dino that is exactly the same, find pieces from a picture. These exercises train visual and spatial perception and attention – important skills for reading, writing and calculating. DOWNLOAD (6 MB – file may take a while […]
K12 Timed Reading Practice

K12 Timed Reading Practice lets readers in levels K-4 practice fluency by reading short, timed stories. Improving fluency allows readers to read smoothly and quickly so they can focus on comprehension rather than on decoding words. Features Stories More than 250 short, engaging stories for young readers A variety of fiction and non-fiction 46 Flesch-Kincaid […]
Understanding Dyslexia: Infographic

We found this great infographic on Understanding Dyslexia over at weareteachers.com. If you want to know more on how to help children with dyslexia, read our Apple iBook Dyslexia? Dyscalculia? Source: http://www.weareteachers.com/community/blogs/weareteachersblog/blog-wat/2013/04/03/understanding-dyslexia-infographic
Picture chaos

Over at openclipart.org we have seen a nice pinguin which has been waiting for an appearance in our worksheets for a while. The pinguin with all its disguises is perfect for today’s freebie Picture chaos. The pictures are mixed up and children have to put the numbers in the correct order. The pinguins are also […]