Tag: story
The Ladybug Known as “Lil”
ADA has endorsed another award-winning rhyming story picture book by Robert Z. Hicks, “The Ladybug Known as Lil”. The story has the flavor of the wild west in the pumpkin patch. Ant bursts in the door of the Pumpkin Club to warn the bugs that aphids are invading the garden, and on their way to […]
Storyline Online
Reading to children has been repeatedly shown to improve their reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking, concentration and general academic aptitude… as well as inspire a love of reading. The Screen Actors Guild Foundation records well-known actors reading children’s books and makes graphically dynamic videos so that children around the world can be read […]
Early signs of dyslexia
While browsing the web we came across this story: A DYSLEXIA STORY – Early signs of dyslexia I looked forward to reading with my daughter. We would cuddle together with a stack of books and she would say, “again, again” and we would lose ourselves in favorite stories. I was shocked when that never happened. What […]